If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?
“I would love to have people talk more openly about Menopause - especially in the workforce”
Mel Kettle is an expert at communication that builds trust. She understands how to create strategies that have immediate, meaningful impact.
Mel has more than two decades of experience in strategic communication and leadership, gained by working with commercial, government and not for profit organisations. Mel works with CEOs, leaders and teams to help them become more connected in an increasingly disconnected world. She is a sought after thought leader, speaker, mentor and facilitator who helps her clients create stronger relationships with their workforce,customers and investors
Mel is also the host of the podcast - “This Connected Life” and author of “The Social Association.” Her second book - “Connected Leadership–Starts with You” - will be available very soon.
I met Mel at a ‘not conference’ called SPACE when I spoke on the topic It’s Okay Not To Have Kids. In the Q&A at the end of my talk, Mel shared some of her own experiences around having a childfree life and we bonded from there.
Mel and I talked about the Australasian Menopause Society and you can find them here - https://www.menopause.org.au/.
And Mel referenced a CIPD (UK) report, which you’ll find here;- https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/menopause-guide-for-people-managers_tcm18-55548.pdf
A great menopause reference site is www.justasjuicy.com
Some background info here
Connect and find out more about Mel here;-
- Mel’s ‘This Connected Life’ podcast can be found here:
- www.melkettle.com/podcasts
- Instagram: @melkettle
- Twitter: @melkettle
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melkettle/
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