ELDERSHIP with Moira Were

ELDERSHIP with Moira Were

If there was one thing you think society should talk more about, what would it be?

“Growing older! And what does it mean being an elder in society - particularly in a white, western world.”


Moira has worked from the kitchen table as a direct service social worker through to the cabinet table as a Chief of Staff to a Minister. She has extensive strategic and operational experience in the not-for-profit sector and in government at state, regional, national & international levels. Moira received an Australian honour in 2019 (AM) for her significant service to the community of South Australia. She is a Director of Ethical Fields, Non-Executive Director for Scope Global and just been appointed Elder-in-Residence at SheEO. She also provides advice to Australia's leading systems change organisation Collaboration for Impact.  Moira is the founder of Chooks SA, Hen House Co-op and a co-founder of Collab4Good.

Moira is a social entrepreneur and such a strong advocate for women and people who are disadvantaged so I was super excited to have her on the podcast. 


Connect and find out more about Moira here;- 


  • @moirawere   
  • @HenHouseCoop


  • @Moira_Chooks
  • @HenHouseCoop (henny penny)
  • Facebook  @Chooks SA



And for more information about the Wabi Sabi Series, please find us here:-

If you have a burning topic you’d love society to talk more about, or know someone who’d be great to come on our podcast, drop us a line at  hello@wabisabiseries.com

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